My latest is now in the Secured Lender
I was so pleased when I was asked to write an article on the basics of factoring.
Prestige Capital Continues to Expand its Business Development Team and Welcomes Mark J. Simshauser
Mark J. Simshauser has joined our team as Senior Director – Northeast US.
US-Based Beverage Company Seizes Growth Opportunity with Prestige Capital’s Invoice Financing
FORT LEE, NJ (JUL 2023) — A US-based beverage company's bank no longer supported the client when their inventory needs grew beyond the bank’s lending formula. An asset-based lender who [read more]
Prestige Capital gets a new look and launches a new website and refreshes their logo.
FORT LEE, NJ (MAY 2023) — After months of dedicated effort from our team at Prestige Capital, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our newly updated website! Throughout [read more]
My contribution to the Innovation Finance Playbook
I was so pleased when my colleague, Jonathan Bragdon made a warm introduction to his friend and colleague, Aunnie Patton.
Prestige Capital Extends A $10,000,000 AR Finance Facility for Southeast Call Center Committed to Maintaining a Human Touch
FORT LEE, NJ (MAR 2023) — A Southeast-based subsidiary of a European holding company was introduced to Prestige by one of its premier referral sources seeking a solution to expand [read more]
Factoring 101 featured in The Secured Lender Magazine
by Rachel Hersh “ I was honored when the Secured Lender Magazine the publication of The Secured Finance Network asked me to pen an article on Factoring basics aka Factoring 101- [read more]
Prestige Capital Extends $3,000,000 to Expand Education Programming to the Youth of Greater Philadelphia
FORT LEE, NJ (SEP 2022) — A Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization offering education programming throughout Greater Philadelphia since 1992 was in the market for a new funding source. Their most recent [read more]
Prestige Capital Supports the Work and Expansion of a Joint Commission Certified Medical Staffing Company with $1,000,000 in Funding
FORT LEE, NJ (SEP 2022) — A leading nationwide medical staffing provider sought funding to staff nurses quickly at hospitals to support the rising need as a result of Covid-19. [read more]
Prestige Capital Continues to Expand its Business Development Team and Welcomes Umberto G. DiStefano
FORT LEE, NJ (AUG 2022) — Prestige Capital is pleased to announce that Umberto G. DiStefano has joined the company as Sales Director- MidAtlantic. Umberto, previously a Product Manager at [read more]
IFA 2022- Boston
by Rachel Hersh It was wonderful to finally get back out and go to our annual IFA conference! This one was held at the Boston Sheraton Hotel. Reuniting with industry [read more]
Prestige Capital Supports the Growth of the largest Private Label, baby food manufacturer in the United States with $2,500,000 in Funding
FORT LEE, NJ (MAR 2022) — A California based private label organic baby food manufacturing and co-packer needed a working capital line to increase volume in order to add additional [read more]